November 6, 2015


by Star Building Systems


It’s that time of year again! ‘Tis the season to embrace turkey, mashed potatoes, pie and couch time. The holidays can really pack on the pounds, and as a construction professional, that can make life a little more difficult.

Because your job is, or can be, physical, you don’t need to be convinced that staying fit is important. Your body tells you every day. Being healthy brings obvious benefits to your career and personal life, things like:

  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • High energy
  • Alertness
  • Stamina

And those are just a few of the many paybacks. What if we told you that getting some exercise might also up the number of laughs you have in a day? What if exercise could squash boredom and a lack of social options after work, then what? Would you do it more often? Would you get going during the holidays instead of hibernating and gaining weight?

Exercise can make you happier and improve your life in ways you didn’t imagine. You just have to find something that works for you—something that’s effective AND enjoyable. The match is out there, and with a bit of digging, you’ll find yours.

For example, the adrenaline junkie wouldn’t last long in a program aimed at long hours on a treadmill, but rock climbing or boxing would pique his/her interest. And a dance-lover/weightlifting-hater might need a program that barely resembles a traditional workout—so something like a hip hop class would be ideal.

Want to meet new people? Try something that involves team play, like basketball or softball. If you need something less sporty and more laughable, you can’t go wrong with kickball. There are dodgeball teams, innertube waterpolo teams, and even wallyball teams (volleyball played indoor on a racquetball court that’s divided by a net.)

The list goes on and on, because there are a ton of possibilities. You may just have to do some research to find them. If you’re located in the Oklahoma City area, we’ve supplied a short list of creative exercise options you might want to check out.  If you’re not in Oklahoma City, don’t worry. You can find similar activities in your area.  Just take a look around.

A few Oklahoma City creative exercise opportunities are:

  • Climb Up – Norman
    A climate controlled rock-climbing gym for all seasons and levels.
  • BARRE3 – OKC & Edmond
    A mixture of ballet, yoga, and Pilates that will stretch, tone, and challenge you.
  • Titan Martial Arts – Norman
    Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, grappling, and more—all under one roof.

You can paddleboard in the summer and/or play indoor tennis in the winter. Throw tractor tires. Bike. Hula-hoop. Interval train. All of these are offered at various gyms and businesses closer than you may think!

No more excuses. You can do almost anything you want no matter what the season, so that means dreading your workout is no longer justification to gain a holiday spare tire. There are fun and fresh programs waiting for you to get excited about exercise.

Stay fit through the holidays—with a smile and laugh.

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