September 21, 2016


by Star Building Systems


Star’s President’s Advisory Council

You may have heard other Star Builders talk about the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) and wondered what it was all about or how it can benefit you and your business.

And even if you haven’t wondered, we’re here to tell you: Yes! There are many ways the PAC can positively affect your success as a Star Builder.

According to Entrepreneur magazine, an advisory council can be a valuable tool for company leaders who want to think proactively about future growth. Advisory councils provide insight into opportunities for change or improvement, bring challenges to light, and help shape business decisions going forward. They often act as a sounding board and can point out gaps of knowledge from which the company’s leadership can benefit. Because they function in a different capacity than a board, and do not represent shareholders or other stakeholders, their perspective is more focused on practical, daily steps to business success.

And that’s where you come in. As a Star Builder, you are our most valuable resource for input and feedback on our products, service, opportunities for improvement and practical, daily business operations. The PAC gives that information a place to be heard.

“The Star PAC was formed nearly 30 years ago as a way for us to better understand the things our builders like, don’t like, or would like to see changed;” explains Star Building Systems president, David Alexander, “It’s proven very valuable over the years as a great way for Star to continue chasing perfection and offering high customer service levels to our builders.”

The council is composed of 20 Star Builders, representing all regions and districts, and 17 Star personnel, representing all departments and responsibilities. Each member is assigned to one of four committees focused on an individual category of the business: products, service, automation and marketing.

Each PAC representative will provide a report of their region’s input for discussion and consideration at the Council’s two yearly meetings.

In the years since its development, the PAC has been the driving force behind many changes and improvements to Star products and continues to set the company apart as unique in the industry. Acey Haroldson, owner of Ace Construction in Grimes, Iowa, and a Star Builder since 1996, shared a few thoughts on his experience with the PAC: “We at Ace Construction strongly believe that the PAC is an invaluable tool for both the builder network as well as Star Buildings to not only monitor the progress of goods and services as they compare to the competition, but also to implement new ideas and product offerings for an ever-changing customer base.”

Acey described how PAC-inspired changes, such as the recently improved caulking and tape mastic performance, are seemingly small details that can be key to capturing larger market share and maintaining long-term success. He believes the benefits for builders are numerous and just another one of the reasons his company continues to stay in the Star family: “Our company sincerely looks forward to being a part of this industry commitment from Star Buildings in the future as we feel it is exactly what other companies in our business are not doing and it puts them at a disadvantage. After all, people rarely ask ‘who took second?’”

“We encourage all of our builders to talk to their PAC representative so their ideas and opinions can be heard at our meetings,” said Alexander, “we truly roll up our sleeves as a group and work to solve problems because we want to see our builders successful.”

If you’d like to find out more about becoming a Star Builder, contact us today and let us tell you about all of the advantages!

View photos from our latest PAC meeting in Wyoming!

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